Words Of Comfort Provided By Struecker Following Helicopter Crash

L to R: Liberty Point Baptist Church Pastor Paxton Redd and Jeff Struecker

A visitor to Trigg County helped provide much-needed comfort following the helicopter crash Wednesday night.

Jeff Struecker, who enlisted in the United States Army and retired with nearly 23 years of active federal service, was scheduled to talk for two nights about the ‘Blackhawk Down’ incident, which he survived in 1993.

After his time in Somalia, where the famous incident occurred, Struecker became an Army Chaplin and served another ten years.

During his Thursday night presentation, he took the time to honor the nine servicemen who lost their lives the night prior.

As for the Trigg County situation, he said there are no perfect words to say in the aftermath.

Struecker added one of the best things you can do for servicemembers is to continue adding them to your daily prayer list.

Struecker said full military support will be provided to the families of those who lost their lives.

He added our region is among some of the best communities in America.

During his Friday night presentation, Struecker shared his ‘Blackhawk Down’ story at Liberty Point Baptist Church.

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