Trigg County’s ‘Field Of Flags’ Humbly Closes 2023 Campaign

Following early rain showers, more than two dozen Trigg Countians were on hand Saturday morning at the Blue Star Memorial Gardens — paying respect as American Legion Post 74 and other associates held its closing ceremony for “The Field of Flags.”

David Shore, with Post 74, said events like these aren’t possible without full cooperation from a number of angles, including the Blue Star Committee, the American Legion, the county judge-executive’s office, city public works, local Boy Scouts of America and the Trigg County High School football team — as all play a part.

Shore noted there were more than 100 flags placed this year, each one with a name and service story.

He also noted that in the past 12 years, “The Field of Flags” has become a big part of summer’s local fabric — as one can guarantee some flags will be flying in front of Hancock’s, beginning on Flag Day until the first week of July, for years to come.

This honored memorial is but one chapter of Trigg County’s focus on veterans.

Each year leading into Memorial Day, Shore said the VFW, American Legion, Marine Corps League and other volunteers help place flags at veteran’s graves in Trigg County.

Often, he said, they run out of funds and flags to reach all those who paid the ultimate price.

And even now, after all these years, he still finds new war stories in local cemeteries. Untold tales of past patriots.

One such example came in East End Cemetery this spring, the gravestone of PFC Ivan Ricks.

A singular flag, black and white, will always stand on the field — for those missing in action or as prisoners of war.

Curt Holmes, of Mayfield and Trigg County, played “Taps” and commanded a military salute.

Two scouts from Troop 57 — 15-year-old Grady Papajeski and 13-year-old Kendal Merrick — were among those on hand to properly fold flags.

It’s an art form, requiring the stars be pressed to the bars before being wrapped in a triangle formation.

Papajeski, working on the rank of Life, said only one word comes to mind with ceremonies such as these.

Merrick, working on the rank of Second Class, agreed that it would’ve been easy to do anything else to start his weekend.

But this was more important.

Those who didn’t attend, but have a flag purchase, can procure them at later date from officials at the John L. Street Library.


The Pledge Of Allegiance:

Field Of Flags 2023 Closes

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