New Combined High School In Christian County A Compromise Of Ideas

Christian County Schools Superintendent Chris Bentzel says he is pleased to see plans for the new Christian County High School moving forward following approval by the Christian County Board of Education last week.

Bentzel told the News Edge after listening to the community he and the board felt like a change in the name from Hopkinsville Christian County Academy to Christian County High School was the appropriate step.

click to download audioBentzel says he realizes a compromise would be more pleasing to the community based on community response and similar combined schools in nearby communities.

click to download audioHe adds the colors reflect both current high schools and some of the previous high schools in the county.

click to download audioBentzel says they are hoping to have a groundbreaking the new Christian County High School in mid-September.

click to download audioThe new school bids were approved by the board of education at a cost $106.4 million dollars.


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