Watts Among Farm Broadcasters At 80th Annual NAFB Convention

The National Association of Farm Broadcasting is celebrating 80 years during their annual convention at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City this week.

News and Farm Director Alan Watts is among the farm broadcasters attending. One of the highlights of the meeting was a conversation with United States Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. The secretary spoke used the platform Thursday to highlight two recent announcements by the USDA.

Your Ag Edge’s Jennie Watts questioned Secretary Vilsack about what is available to help young people get their start in agriculture.

Coverage began Wednesday as Alan visited with National Association of Farm Broadcasting Executive Director Tom Brand.

Alan continued the visit with Tom Brand to discuss some of the special events taking place.

Alan took a moment to talk with NAFB President-Elect Carah Hart from Missouri.

Alan continued his conversation with Carah Hart about the 2023 NAFB Convention.

Alan also spoke with NAFB 2023 President Joe Gill from Minnesota.

Friday coverage included a visit with the Farm Business Network.

Your Ag Edge Intern Kinley Deason has more details about the American Angus Association.

Your Ag Edge Intern Kinley Humphries discusses Certified Ag Dealers with Jenny Wallace from Kentucky.

Your Ag Edge photos by Alan Watts, Jennie Watts, Kinley Humphries, and Kinley Deason.

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