Cadiz Officials Working To Alleviate Water Taste And Smell Issues

Cadiz officials say they are taking steps to mitigate the bad smell and taste that has been reported in the last couple of weeks in water in the City of Cadiz.

Public Works Director Craig Oakley said one of the steps the water department is taking is flushing hydrants in various locations around the area served by the Cadiz Water Department.

Cadiz Water Plant Manager Perry Alexander said they are using carbon to try and mitigate the smell and taste issue.

Oakley reiterated that the water is safe to consume and use.

Oakley said the problem occurred one other time a few years ago when was treated at the old Cadiz Water Plant downtown.

Alexander said seasonal changes in the water source, Little River, can result in problems like the one customers are experiencing now.

The Cadiz Water Plant treats raw water from the Hopkinsville Water Environment Authority raw water line that runs from Little River to Hopkinsville. Prior to the opening of the new Cadiz Water Treatment plant in June of 2021, raw water for the old Cadiz Water treatment plant was pumped from a spring located near Little River just north of the Kentucky 139-South Road bridge over Little River.

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