Kentucky CASA Network Responds Regarding Christian County

According to a Tuesday night letter from the Kentucky CASA Network, they were informed July 15 of Christian County’s decision to dissolve its non-profit efforts — and that the KCN had been “proactively involved” with developing and supporting Christian County’s program since 2018.

Furthermore, KCN officials said they were “disappointed” to hear of the board’s decision, but were pleased to share work will continue in Christian County courtesy of temporary efforts from CASA by the Lakes out of Calloway and Marshall counties.

There will reportedly be no disruption in services.

The KCN is obligated by state law to exercise oversight over local programs if they do not meet operational standards relating to finances, training, volunteers, record-keeping and other basic functions.

According to the KCN, a recent Quality Assurance Review of CASA for Christian County identified a myriad of areas of noncompliance with both state law and National CASA/GAL Association Standards.

KCN Board Chair Bryan Bulkley noted it was “unfortunate” that the Christian County Board of Directors “opted not to take the path to develop, and maintain, a highly-effective CASA program.”

Between 2018-2023 in Christian County, there were 1,326 new child abuse, neglect and dependency cases filed in Christian County, and during that time, 52 were appointed a CASA volunteer.

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