Fall Sports And More Happening At Hopkinsville YMCA

As the pool season ends, basketball registration starts at the Hopkinsville YMCA.

Cheryl Ellis with the YMCA says that summer swim lessons were successful.

click to download audioEllis says that coach positions for basketball and soccer are always open.

click to download audioShe says that those who want to sponsor basketball should contact the YMCA to get a sponsor form.

click to download audioAlong with basketball, pickleball practice is being held every Tuesday and Thursday morning along with Thursday and Friday afternoons. Ellis says that anyone can participate in the sport.

click to download audioThe Y is also hiring 4 assistants for the Spirit, Mind, and Body program. Ellis explains what this program is.

click to download audioRegistration for basketball is open now till October 21st on the hopkinsvilleymca.org website or in person. Along with this, the YMCA will begin hiring for lifeguards in February.

Although the YMCA has many fun activities planned for the year, volunteers are always needed to keep the programs running.


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