Trigg County High School Youth Leadership Club Sees The Behind The Scenes Of Agriculture

Commonwealth Agri Energy, Airgas, and Riverbend Farms welcomed Trigg County High School Leadership Club in to give them a look at the connections made in agriculture.

High school teachers Cameron Brown and Alesha Allen chaperoned 12 students to each stop.

Club member JR. Knott talks about the first stop made at Commonwealth Agri Energy.

click to download audioKnott says that his favorite part about the day was connecting the dots between the different parts of the agriculture industry.

click to download audioHe explains the reason that he applied to join the leadership club.

click to download audioMember Kiley Sloane talks about what she learned during the day.

click to download audioHer favorite part, she says, was seeing the number of products that could be created from corn.

click to download audioSloane says that she is following in her brothers footsteps by joining Trigg County Youth Leadership.

click to download audioStudents who are participating in the club will have monthly trips to various businesses throughout Trigg County. Agriculture day was the first of many more fun activities to come.


Ag Day

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