Christian County Fiscal Court met in short order Tuesday morning, delivering the first reading of an amendment to its 2024-25 budget.
The reasoning, according to Judge-Executive Jerry Gilliam and County Attorney Lincoln Foster, is because of previously un-budgeted receipts involving the tornado shelters going up around the county — as well as a number of unexpected grants received over the last few months.
In other fiscal court news:
+ Magistrates once again approved affiliation with the Christian County Rescue Team for Fiscal Year 2025, as well as the organization’s Search and Rescue, and Emergency Operations Plan for the year. These are annual renewals that must be reviewed.
+ Magistrates also retroactively approved for Gilliam to sign a Hopkinsville-Christian County Ambulance Service Grant application valued at $10,000 from the Kentucky Ambulance Block Grant Program. The deadline to apply is January 31, with $10,000 being the maximum award. July 1, municipalities will receive notification of awards, and grants are distributed August 31.
+ Melissa Goff, director of the Christian County Regional Animal Shelter, said December was a strong month for the organization, as 290 animals went through intake, and 262 went out for adoptions. More than $3,700 was collected in monetary donations, while several anonymous donors gifted physical items such as pet toys and food.
Gilliam also confirmed that a consultant, Dr. Julie Gray from Owensboro, will soon be checking in on the animal shelter, in order to check for operational efficiencies and deficiencies.