Cadiz Rotary Needing Century Club Members For 57th Annual Auction


Cadiz Rotarians are looking for partners of all sizes to help reach this year’s $310,000 fundraising goal for the 57th annual Rotary Radio Auction.

Century Club Chairman John Rufli said the century club is always a large part of the annual fundraiser that will kick off on Monday, April 15th.

click to download audioRufli said there are different levels of donations the club accepts each year.

click to download audioHe added the century club helps to fund the club’s ability to do much-needed work in Cadiz and Trigg County.

click to download audioRufli says the money raised always stays in the community.

click to download audioThe century club traditionally makes up more than fifty percent of the money raised by the annual Cadiz Rotary Auction. The annual W.J. Hopson Kickoff breakfast will be on Monday, April 15 at Lake Barkley State Park with the auction held each night that week at the Cadiz Baptist Church Annex.

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